【Miki Otake Positions, Qualifications】
・Member of Mainichi Shodokai(Calligraphers Society)
・Examiner for student examinations at Sogen Shodokai
・Administrative Member of Mainichi Joryu Syoten(Women Calligrapher's Exhibition)
・Director of Western Japan Calligraphers Association
・Councilor of Western Japan Mainichi Shodokai

【History of Exhibits, Activities】
Japan-China Women Calligraphers Exhibition (China Museum, Beijing) International Calligraphy Exhibition (Jiangsu Museum, Nanjing)

Calligrapher's Exhibition of Japanese Calligraphers Group Association, Exhibition of Japanese Poetry and Calligrapher Association, Women Calligrapher's Exhibition of Japanese Calligraphers Group Association, Selection of Mainichi Joryu Syoten (Kyoto), Japan Cultural Festival, Kyusyu Exhibition - Japanese Calligraphy Exhibition, Mainichi Syodou Sakkaten (Selection of Calligraphers in the West area of Japan), Exhibition of Mainichi Modern Calligraphy, Kyusyu Sogen Selection, Other.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


The curtain of 2009 is open, and now it’s already February.
Even in Fukuoka, which is located in the south of Japan – a long island extending north and south - we have had a series of cold days with snow this winter.
How are you?

So, have you started to step toward a dream of your New Year’s resolution?
I have started walking toward it. At least I’m different from what I was last February.
I would like to release my mind more freely to express myself this year. To create satisfying work will lead to a result. I can’t stop my mind from getting excited.

For one more topic, I have encountered a phrase that burns my heart in the cold winter.
“Yes we can” – a phrase that has become too famous, but it gives me power when I say it out loud. I believe there were immeasurable difficulties until the birth of the first African-American president of the United States. (Mr. Obama didn’t give it up. Therefore this phrase is significant) His inaugural address was filled with dreams and hopes, which even burned the heart of this nameless Japanese old lady.
Japanese politicians and political analysts indicated concreteness, all saying that he has a rocky road ahead, but I believe he will make it.
If I am asked which I can trust in, Japanese politicians or Mr. Obama – I will take Mr. Obama without any hesitation.

The bigger a dream is, the better it is. It’s better to be as big as unrealistic. It must not be reached easily.
A dream is a dream because it has difficulty in being achieved. But we still walk toward dreams…because we are alive!