【Miki Otake Positions, Qualifications】
・Member of Mainichi Shodokai(Calligraphers Society)
・Examiner for student examinations at Sogen Shodokai
・Administrative Member of Mainichi Joryu Syoten(Women Calligrapher's Exhibition)
・Director of Western Japan Calligraphers Association
・Councilor of Western Japan Mainichi Shodokai

【History of Exhibits, Activities】
Japan-China Women Calligraphers Exhibition (China Museum, Beijing) International Calligraphy Exhibition (Jiangsu Museum, Nanjing)

Calligrapher's Exhibition of Japanese Calligraphers Group Association, Exhibition of Japanese Poetry and Calligrapher Association, Women Calligrapher's Exhibition of Japanese Calligraphers Group Association, Selection of Mainichi Joryu Syoten (Kyoto), Japan Cultural Festival, Kyusyu Exhibition - Japanese Calligraphy Exhibition, Mainichi Syodou Sakkaten (Selection of Calligraphers in the West area of Japan), Exhibition of Mainichi Modern Calligraphy, Kyusyu Sogen Selection, Other.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Feeling for "壊 kowasu"

The word "壊 kowasu" means destruction.
However, I would intentionally like to subtitle it "departure".

When we are starting something new, we hesitate to no small extent. It's because the current
environment around us may drastically change. I believe you are not prepared if you proceed to something new without making a sacrifice.

I believe it's a true "departure" if we have determination and courage to break the present.
When we are not afraid of the risk of losing something important, a new world will unfold.

By coincidence, "壊 kowasu" is pronounced "kai" in the Chinese-derived reading, linking to "開 kai"


Louie Louie said...

Just a note to let you know that
I read and enjoy your journal.
I'm learning Japanese and Kanji
and love calligraphy.

MIKI said...

Thank you for your comment.

Please enjoy learning Japanese and Kanji,love calligraphy more!!

yum said...

I feel power in this calligraphy.

This thought is splendid!!

MIKI said...

Thank you Yume.

Japanese is funny☆