【Miki Otake Positions, Qualifications】
・Member of Mainichi Shodokai(Calligraphers Society)
・Examiner for student examinations at Sogen Shodokai
・Administrative Member of Mainichi Joryu Syoten(Women Calligrapher's Exhibition)
・Director of Western Japan Calligraphers Association
・Councilor of Western Japan Mainichi Shodokai

【History of Exhibits, Activities】
Japan-China Women Calligraphers Exhibition (China Museum, Beijing) International Calligraphy Exhibition (Jiangsu Museum, Nanjing)

Calligrapher's Exhibition of Japanese Calligraphers Group Association, Exhibition of Japanese Poetry and Calligrapher Association, Women Calligrapher's Exhibition of Japanese Calligraphers Group Association, Selection of Mainichi Joryu Syoten (Kyoto), Japan Cultural Festival, Kyusyu Exhibition - Japanese Calligraphy Exhibition, Mainichi Syodou Sakkaten (Selection of Calligraphers in the West area of Japan), Exhibition of Mainichi Modern Calligraphy, Kyusyu Sogen Selection, Other.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

★Picture @ Acros★

Please look at the pictures of Acros place before opening the pictures of a demonstration at the intracompany exhibition from last November.

In the demonstration with hakama on (Japanese skirtlike trousers), I was extemporarily
writing on a 180 × 145 paper as requested by visitors.
It was such a fun.

If someone wants to see my demonstration, I will go anywhere with my calligraphy kit. I
will go anywhere…on the earth!
Please call me!


yum said...

How cool your costume and work!

MIKI said...

Thank you!!

As for this costume With the traditional clothes of Japan, call "hakama".
That it wears this costume, shout enters.