【Miki Otake Positions, Qualifications】
・Member of Mainichi Shodokai(Calligraphers Society)
・Examiner for student examinations at Sogen Shodokai
・Administrative Member of Mainichi Joryu Syoten(Women Calligrapher's Exhibition)
・Director of Western Japan Calligraphers Association
・Councilor of Western Japan Mainichi Shodokai

【History of Exhibits, Activities】
Japan-China Women Calligraphers Exhibition (China Museum, Beijing) International Calligraphy Exhibition (Jiangsu Museum, Nanjing)

Calligrapher's Exhibition of Japanese Calligraphers Group Association, Exhibition of Japanese Poetry and Calligrapher Association, Women Calligrapher's Exhibition of Japanese Calligraphers Group Association, Selection of Mainichi Joryu Syoten (Kyoto), Japan Cultural Festival, Kyusyu Exhibition - Japanese Calligraphy Exhibition, Mainichi Syodou Sakkaten (Selection of Calligraphers in the West area of Japan), Exhibition of Mainichi Modern Calligraphy, Kyusyu Sogen Selection, Other.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


From June 10th to 15th, “The Exhibition of the World of Japanese Poetry and Calligraphy” will be held at Tokyo Central Art Museum.
(I am sorry that I will be absent from the celebration. The reason is described below.)

During the same period in Kyushu, “Mainichi Women’s Calligraphy Exhibition” will be held at Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art.
Followed by the audition in April, I will attend the awarding ceremony on June 15th to award prizes to awardees.

This year Mr. Shoichi Nishibayashi has been invited as a special judge.
He is my teacher when I was in university. Without accepting pupils for about 15 years, now he has been active as a researcher of calligraphy as well as a university professor.
His many specialized books published always get attention in the world of calligraphy. It is meaningful that I was strictly instructed by Mr. Nishibayashi and could learn what “calligraphy” is when I was young. His word 30 years ago - “don’t think you are writing calligraphy but think you are embarrassing yourself”, is my origin living in the world of calligraphy.

My teacher, whom I met after a long time, was very fine. I was glad that his lively way of talking implied that he was engaged in fruitful work.
Around that time, I received a picture taken by a person from the newspaper company. It was huge in B4 size. I laughed in spite of myself because it was so big. It is needless to say that I had a big smile in the picture with my teacher.

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