【Miki Otake Positions, Qualifications】
・Member of Mainichi Shodokai(Calligraphers Society)
・Examiner for student examinations at Sogen Shodokai
・Administrative Member of Mainichi Joryu Syoten(Women Calligrapher's Exhibition)
・Director of Western Japan Calligraphers Association
・Councilor of Western Japan Mainichi Shodokai

【History of Exhibits, Activities】
Japan-China Women Calligraphers Exhibition (China Museum, Beijing) International Calligraphy Exhibition (Jiangsu Museum, Nanjing)

Calligrapher's Exhibition of Japanese Calligraphers Group Association, Exhibition of Japanese Poetry and Calligrapher Association, Women Calligrapher's Exhibition of Japanese Calligraphers Group Association, Selection of Mainichi Joryu Syoten (Kyoto), Japan Cultural Festival, Kyusyu Exhibition - Japanese Calligraphy Exhibition, Mainichi Syodou Sakkaten (Selection of Calligraphers in the West area of Japan), Exhibition of Mainichi Modern Calligraphy, Kyusyu Sogen Selection, Other.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Work for Mainichi Women’s Calligraphy Exhibition

I wrote “The thundercloud, the thundercloud in the sky at sunset just like me”
The sky at sunset is at the end of day. It is compared to the later part of life. The thundercloud in that sky is a cloud with thunderstorm.

The thundercloud is what I am now. I’m feeling frustrated as the time left to me and the number of things I want to do are not proportional.
This is a challenging message from me that I’m burning red with rain and thunder inside at any time.

I don’t know what I’m aiming for and what achievement will satisfy me. Maybe I’m multiplying dreams every day as I’m greed.
When I write the blog, it’s like a place to re-organize my thought. It is incoherent, but please accept it as the process of evolution, and take care of and observe me.

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